Concept Illustration of Pool Area

Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Firm: HCMA Architecture + Design

Building Phase: Feasibility Study and Design Development

The Crystal Pool and Wellness Centre Replacement Project has been a priority focus for the City of Victoria, with a goal of ensuring that the infrastructure of the building meets the community’s social, health and wellness, and environmental objectives over the long term. The new facility will be a fully-accessible, inclusive, and a welcoming community center for residents of all ages.

The project has since been approved by the city of Victoria and HCMA Architecture + Design has moved forward with it’s design development. The project aims to provide the surrounding neighbourhood with a variety of additional programs that the current Crystal Pool does not include to further foster the growing community at the Crystal Pool.

The following drawings were illustrations used for public engagements to showcase general ideas for the new building in the early stages of design development.

Ground Floor Second Floor

As a major center for community engagement in the neighborhood, the facilities had to be brought up to code and fit the needs of the community to continue functioning for years to come. After conducting this feasibility study to determine the costing of repairing/updating the current facility versus building a new facility. It was determined in the longer run, a new facility would be more viable. It was proposed to build adjacent to the current building so the neighborhood wouldn’t lose a community staple. HCMA aimed to bring elements of the current Crystal Pool that the community liked into the new design while also adding additional programming that were missing such as multipurpose rooms for community classes and a larger fitness center.

Concept Illustration of Entrance